Residential Zero Net Energy Transformation (RZNET)

Do you live in an apartment or manufactured home? Do you own or operate a multifamily or manufactured housing community? If so, we may have ways to help reduce your energy costs by participating in the new, innovative Residential Zero Net Energy Transformation (RZNET) program. 

RZNET hero

The Residential Zero Net Energy Transformation (RZNET) program will  assist SDG&E multifamily and manufactured housing customers with navigating their path to zero net energy. 

What is Zero Net Energy (ZNE)? 

ZNE is the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is equal to or less than the amount of renewable energy (energy created by sources that are naturally replenished, such as wind, rain, or solar) created on-site.

RZNET allows you to connect with an Energy Advisor that will help you make informed decisions about how to achieve your energy efficiency goals. 

RZNET program participants on the path to zero net energy, begin with the installation of no-cost measures and a complimentary ASHRAE Level 1 audit. Information on advanced energy efficiency, solar PV installations, and battery storage opportunities for multifamily and manufactured housing properties is also available.  

Apartments / Condos No-cost Measures may include:

  • Water heater blankets
  • Water heater pipe insulation
  • Low-flow showerheads
  • Low-flow aerators
  • Duct Test & Seal  

  • Smart Fan Controller  

  • Lifecycle Refrigerant Charge   

Manufactured Housing No-cost Measures may include:

  • Duct test & seal
  • Smart Fan Controller
  • Low-flow showerheads
  • Low-flow aerators
  • Pipe wrap
  • Lifecycle refrigerant charge   
  • Crossover duct replacement 
Next Steps Icon

Next Steps

Contact SDG&E’s third-party implementer, Synergy Companies, at 1-888-272-8394 to speak with a representative. You may also visit to schedule a free consultation or apply online.

Eligibility for Participation Icon

Eligibility for Participation

  • RZNET is available for residential multifamily and manufactured housing customers who have an active SDG&E account.
  • Customers who are on a commercial rate may qualify for common area measures if certain requirements are met.
  • No income eligibility is required.
Authorized RZNET Contractor Icon

Authorized RZNET Contractor

Synergy Companies (835016) is the authorized contractor for the RZNET program. To learn more about Synergy Companies and the RZNET program, call 1-888-272-8394 or visit

Financing Your Project

You may be eligible for financing options for energy efficiency upgrades.

On-Bill Financing (OBF) 

OBF offers eligible non-residential utility customers a zero-percent interest, unsecured loan for qualifying energy-efficient business improvements.

Affordable Multifamily (AMF) Program Through GoGreen Financing

The AMF Statewide program(link is external) works with multifamily properties to encourage energy-efficient upgrades to revitalize older properties.  The program offers rebates or incentives by financing “out of pocket” costs.  Please contact the Synergy Companies representative to help navigate which financing program is most suitable for you.

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

Get federal tax credits for energy-efficient upgrades through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Save on your energy-efficient upgrades and maximize your incentive opportunities. Find out how by visiting